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Maia Grotepass
Staff Engineer: Android competency lead at Luno
Mobile dev since Cupcake. Android GDE. Kotlin enthusiast. Dogs make me happy.
A walk in the Lindenmayer fractal forests with a Kotlin notebook
Some pieces of Kotlin code are better discovered through exploration. Code for a Lindenmayer system (Lsystem) is an example of this. These systems can generate beautiful organic looking fractal structures. A few small tweaks cause unexpected variety: perfect for experimentation. Kotlin Notebooks are especially suited for experimental and exploratory coding.
This talk will showcase the use of Kotlin Notebooks to draw a series of Lsystem trees. It will be a live code session in IntelliJ with a shareable Kotlin Notebook as a result.
You do not need to be a data scientist to enjoy this talk.
The audience will:
- See Kotlin Notebooks in action with the focus on reusable canvas drawing
- See an iterative coding workflow that explores code and visuals
- Learn about Lindenmayer systems
- Receive a link to the talk Notebook which they can copy and modify to continue the experiments in their own time