Martin Bonnin

Mobile Engineer at ApolloGraphQL
Martin is a maintainer of Apollo Kotlin. He has been writing Android applications since Cupcake and fell in love with Kotlin in 2017. Martin loves naming things and the sound of his laptop fan compiling all these type-safe programs. When not busy rewriting all his bash scripts in Kotlin, Martin loves to hike the Pyrénées or play a good game of Hearthstone.
Building libraries for the next 25 years
Libraries are a vital part of a language ecosystem. If you're building a client or server app, you're using dozens of them, maybe hundreds or more! And yet, library development can sometimes appear niche or difficult.
In this talk, I'll take library development to the front and center. How are libraries different from your usual client or server apps? What is easier but also what makes them more complex? How do apps and libraries interact and work together?
I'll share lessons learned from working on Apollo Kotlin, from the early Java days up until KMP and wasm.
If you're a library author, you'll learn how to publish your library without the hassle, handle compatibility, evolution, versioning and more. If you are not a library author, I hope this talk will encourage you to become one.
Together, let's build a vibrant Kotlin ecosystem for the next 25 years!