Anastasiia Nekrasova

Software Developer in Kotlin Language Evolution, JetBrains
Anastasiia Nekrasova has worked at JetBrains since 2020 and is now a part of the Language Kotlin Evolution team. Anastasiia is currently focused on language design and shepherding features throughout all of the Kotlin ecosystem (KEEP, compiler FE, all BEs, libraries, QA, Dokka, documentation, style guide etc). She enjoys meeting users’ needs by design language features. She previously worked in business application development related to highload and reliable web-systems. Anastasiia loves riding her motorcycle and traveling around the world.
‘Context parameters’ from the language design perspective
‘Context parameters’ is one of the most anticipated Kotlin features. Last year we unveiled a preliminary version which generated a lot of feedback. The Kotlin team has been working hard since then to finalize its design. The talk will overview the current design status of ‘Context parameters’. We’ll discuss the following topics:
- The motivation behind adding ‘Context parameters’;
- How it fits into the existing syntax;
- Practical examples of how it could be applied.