Ian Botsford

Sr. Software Development Engineer at Amazon
Ian Botsford is a senior engineer at AWS. He's a fan of big data, microservices, and functional programming. He's been a Kotlin developer for 2 years and still keeps discovering new things to love about it!
Generating Kotlin SDKs with Smithy
As software becomes increasingly distributed and the number of APIs available for consumption grows, the challenge of maintaining synchronization among numerous clients and servers becomes progressively cumbersome. How do clients and servers agree on the API used to communicate with one another? How can the API evolve such that existing clients continue to work without redeploying? How do teams ensure a consistent experience across APIs? Join us for a deep dive into how AWS uses Smithy and code generation to address many of these challenges and how you can do the same.
Smithy is an interface definition language (IDL) and set of tools that empowers developers to build clients and servers in multiple languages. It is used to define the APIs for AWS services and generate the AWS SDKs, including the AWS SDK for Kotlin.
In this session you'll see how the Kotlin code generator for Smithy works, what features it provides, and how to leverage it to build Kotlin (multiplatform) SDKs for your own services. No prerequisite knowledge of Smithy required.