Privacy Policy for Visitors

Version 1.0, last updated: February 5, 2024

Dear Visitors, We at JetBrains Expo B.V. and our associated companies, which can be found listed on: https://www.jetbrains.com/company/contacts/ (collectively referred to as “JetBrains” or “our” or “we”), respect you and are committed to honoring and safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices regarding the collection and use of your personal data when you visit our event KotlinConf 2024 which takes place in the Bella Center Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (“premises”) between the dates of May 22th and 24th, 2023.

This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. The respective latest version of the Privacy Policy at the point of time of your visit shall apply. The data controllers are JetBrains Expo B.V., Huidekoperstraat 26, 1017 ZM Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and the associated companies, JetBrains N.V., JetBrains GmbH and JetBrains s.r.o.

JetBrains and its associated companies act as joint data controllers, who are jointly responsible for compliance with data protection legislation. JetBrains Expo B.V. is primarily responsible for exercising the rights of data subjects and providing information about data processing.

Following instructions

Each Visitor to the premises shall always follow the instructions of our staff.

Regular visits

In case of a regular visit, we shall obtain certain limited personal information from you as described hereunder.

Video surveillance

Please be informed that Bella Center Copenhagen operates video surveillance in the premises where KotlinConf 2024 will be held and the rest of their premises. For more information we refer to their Privacy Policy and further information which can be found on their website: https://www.bellacenter.dk/en .

Photos and records

Please note that during KotlinConf we usually take illustrative or documentary photos and/or audio/visual records, which can include your images and capture your appearance. These records may serve for the adequate public use within our marketing and promotional activities on our social networks or in selected public media. In accordance with the GDPR we shall ask for your consent where required before making and sharing, as applicable, such photos or records on our social networks or in selected public media. We will not take nor publish any photos or records displaying you in a degrading way.

Badge printing at registration

We use pretix to provide badge printing services for those attending KotlinConf 2024. Your information will be shared with pretix for the purpose of printing on your name badge the contact information as provided during your registration for KotlinConf 2024 (such as your full name and company name). Pretix will only process your name for the purposes described above in compliance with applicable laws. A name badge is required to gain access to KotlinConf 2024.

Badge scanning

Furthermore, please note that during KotlinConf 2024 we use pretix to provide badge scanning services, also called lead retrieval or scanning, to certain exhibitors and/or sponsors. On the name badge there shall be a QR-code which holds certain personal data as provided by you during your registration for KotlinConf 2024 (such as your full name, contact details such as e-mail, job title and company name). Exhibitors and/or sponsors at KotlinConf 2024 may wish to scan your badge so they can contact you with more information. By allowing your badge to be scanned, you are consenting to have pretix provide the above-mentioned information to the exhibitor and/or sponsor for the purposes of further (marketing) communication and to contact you with more information post-event. As the scanning is based on your consent to the exhibitor and/or sponsor, if you do not wish to be contacted by the party in question, please communicate this directly to them at the event or thereafter.

For more information about pretix we refer to their privacy page.

Purpose for processing personal data

The legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest in the organization of our events, in promoting and marketing our products and services, crime prevention and ensuring safety for our visitors, staff and ourselves.

Specific collection and processing of personal data

Please note that we will obtain your specific consent for any other purpose or occasion of your personal data collection and processing not mentioned explicitly in this Privacy Policy.

Use, security and retention of personal data

Your personal data is maintained in a secure manner. Only authorized employees and security personnel have access to them. We will only keep your personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes outlined above or to comply with legal requirements under applicable law(s).

We do NOT transfer or share your personal data with other persons or organizations unless required or permitted by law except for sharing within the JetBrains group of companies described above, which act as joint data controllers and process personal data for the purposes described above. We may share your data with certain third parties which help us to run our business such as for badge printing, badge scanning, catering services or t-shirt supplies.

Your rights

You have the following rights under the law regarding your personal data: Right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to personal data portability, and right to object. Should you wish to (i) exercise them, (ii) to revoke any consent given to us, or (iii) if you have any concerns as to how your data is processed you can contact us at privacy@jetbrains.com.

You may also contact JetBrains to get up-to-date information about your personal data processing and any personal data recipients.

For more details and further information on your rights, please visit the pertinent segment in our Privacy Policy accessible at https://www.jetbrains.com/legal/docs/privacy/privacy/.

You may lodge a complaint related to the processing of your personal data with the competent data protection supervisory authority, i.e. in the Netherlands the Authority Personal Data (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens), with its visiting address at Hoge Nieuwstraat 8, 2514 EL Den Haag. For more information, please visit https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl.